Name: Clackamas United Church of Christ
Address: 15303 SE Webster Road
City: Milwaukie
Year of Construction: 1963-1964
Architect: Warren Weber
Original Use: Religious (Church)
Status: In Use
National Register of Historic Places: Not Listed
Description: One of the joys of this incredible suburban church is moving around it and seeing how the dramatic roof transforms itself: at once broad and sharpened to the point of a needle. Architect Warren Weber was noted for designing churches in the Portland metropolitan area, several with exceptionally memorable roof forms. (He designed the Vancouver Congregational Church, now the Vancouver United Church of Christ, with a similar but even more exaggerated parabolic roof.) The new church provided the 70-year-old congregation, formerly known as the First Congregational Church of Clackamas, with new facilities that could seat 240 people.
Further Information
• Clackamas United Church of Christ [new window]
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